
I’m interested in the comparative history of economic development, especially East Asia and South Asia, particularly with respect to the relationship between agricultural development and industrialisation. I also take an interest in the so-called ‘capitalist transition’ debates.

I dwell in a primitive habitation in Chokurdakh, Sakha Republic. You can contact me at pseudoerasmus[at]yahoo[dot]com. In the meanwhile, do admire this lovely view of Chokurdakh. Not as nice as Copacabana? Well, fuck them.


3 Responses to About

  1. Are you anonymous because your mingling with the rabble (via communicating complex academic ideas on twitter, reddit, and this blog) will make your fellow academics hold you in ill repute?


  2. Anonymous says:

    When you enough you know enough history you know how second rate Academic Economists like Noah end up when they blog publicly.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. BucardoReal says:

    Assuming you know the theory of H. Mackinder’s “Geographical Pivot of History,” do you think that a (possible) intense industrialization of a large region of Central Asia could become a new (at least economic) power nucleus To compete and displace any competitor? Could it move the mainly maritime trade node between East and West in favor of a terrestrial node in Central Asia?

    If you do not want to answer don’t worry, I have seen that you have not responded to two other comments.


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